origami’s hunter :: animal heads lamps for harmless hunter kids

animaux luminaires
ORIGAMI'S HUNTER by SI STUDIO // collection of lamps for children bedrooms

ORIGAMI'S HUNTER by SI STUDIO // collection of lamps for children bedrooms

Le studio Chilien Si Studio, dirigé par Verónica Posada, a présenté leurs dernières créations lors de Milan 2010, parmi lesquelles Origami’s Hunter, une magnifique collection de lampes pouvant parfaitement s’accrocher au mur d’une chambre d’enfant. Coup de ♥ !

Chilean studio Si Studio, directed by Verónica Posada, presented their latest creations during Milan 2010, among those Origami’s Hunter, a beautiful collection of lamps that can perfectly be hung on the wall of a kid’s bedroom. Coup de ♥ !