lovely uma :: at adorable family’s in San Francisco

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E-GLUE WALL DECALS // theme pack "lovely uma" of wall stickers for baby nursery

E-GLUE WALL DECALS // theme pack « lovely uma »

« Dear e-glue team, Thanks so much for your products, the room looks wonderful : a big elephant in the room, a lion watching our son sleeping and a posing giraffe for African Fashion Show. » (e-mail reçu d’une famille de San Francisco ayant passé commande d’un kit complet de 8 stickers muraux géants « Lovely Uma !«  et en cadeau, juste pour nous, une photo des deux enfants avec de grands sourires). Nous le disons souvent mais ces petits messages sont vraiment nos plus jolies récompenses et nous regonflent d’énergie ! ♥

« Dear e-glue team, Thanks so much for your products, the room looks wonderful : a big elephant in the room, a lion watching our son sleeping and a posing giraffe for African Fashion Show. » (e-mail received from a family in San Francisco who placed an order of a full pack of 8 giant wall decals « Lovely Uma !«  and as gift, just for us, a picture of both kids with big smiles). We’ve often said that but these little messages really are such delicious bounty and feed us energy ! ♥

e-glue wall decalse-glue wall decalse-glue wall decals