MINIPIC OWL by E-GLUE // prints on wood designs
Why be limited to paper when we can now print onto nearly all medias ? The E-Glue studio looked into this matter and that’s how is born the new collection of prints on wood, Minipic, but not only… Other children’s room accessories will be respectively featured through this blog, our social networks and newsletter.

MINIPIC TIGER by E-GLUE // decorative art prints on wood for kids room
For over a year, after testing many materials, colors, inks, wood suppliers, the results are finally here… and we are (very) happy ! Minipic prints are available in two sizes, A4 or A3, and different designs : owl, tiger, robot, crocodile, zebra and raccoon for the moment. We will regularly expand the range keeping the same concept : very graphic patterns, of heads of animals or characters, in several colors including black, adaptable to our magnetized print hangers Earwigo and to complete our Minilum lightings (availability : January 2016).

MINIPIC and EARWIGO by E-GLUE // prints on wood and matched print hangers
All this new range of children’s decor accessories is made in France, printed on maple wood of 0.6 mm from vegetable inks by a certified eco-friendly workshop. Colors are bright, deep but subtly let the wood grain be visible.